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January 2019





YOU and the Power of YOUR Subconscious Mind


Dr. Joseph Murphy books


YOUR intellect will try to get in the way but do not let this be.

This is considered one of the top Spiritual authors of the last

century.  I have read “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”

starting in the 1980s.  It has been wonderful and moved me

development through life, and been an important part of that

development.  Plus, he has other books, and the one we will

eventually talk about is the Fear/Worry one because many people

have ingrained into them that fear/worry is a constant thing and it

should not be.


Dr. Murphy 1898 – 1981


The following is from Dr. Murphy book:


How This book can work Miracles in Your Life

I have seen miracles happen to men and women in all walks of

life all over the world.  Miracles can happen to you, too when you

begin using the magic power of YOUR subconscious mind.  This

the book is designed to teach you that your habitual thinking and

imagery mold, fashion, and create your Destiny for as a man

thinketh in his subconscious mind, so is he.


There have been lots and lots of books about Law of Attraction

but I believe that Dr. Murphy’ books his teachings were some of

the first that gave a basic understanding.  And most of the author’s

followed in his footsteps.


Dr. Murphy continues:

Why is one man sad, and another man happy?  Why is one man

joyous and prosperous, and another man poor and miserable?

Why is one man fearful and anxious and another full of faith and

confident?  Why does one man have a beautiful, luxurious home

while another man lives out a meager existence in a slum?


And on Dr. Murphy ask these questions about why this way and

not that way.  Then he tells his reason for writing this book:


The following summary is at the end of the 1st chapter and will

help you understand the difference:


All you need and want in life is within you.


You have the ability to contact and release this power of the

subconscious mind in YOU


Your subconscious mind has all the answers to all problems.


YOUR subconscious mind is the builder of your body and can

heal you.  Lull yourself to sleep at night with the idea of perfect

health, and your subconscious, being your faithful servant will



Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect.


Never use the terms, I can’t afford it” or “I can’t do this” your

subconscious mind takes you at your word.


I can, I can, I can said the little red engine!


The law of life is the law of belief.


Change your thought change your life


Watching the sunrise






YOU and Milk Thistle


Prevention should be your goal.  Prevention of cancer,

diabetes, arthritis and any disease.  The more information YOU

have on natural and organic items the better you are to maintain

healthy aging.  My goal for you is not to get any disease and the

hopes that each blog written on this website gives you information

so you will not be sick and will know the things for prevention.


Milk Thistle has been used for 2,000 years as an herbal remedy

for a variety of ailments, particularly liver, kidney and gall bladder

problems.  Several scientific studies suggest that substances in

milk thistle protect the liver from toxins, including certain drugs,

such as acetaminophen(Tylenol), which can cause liver damage

in high doses.


Milk thistle is often suggested as a treatment for alcoholic hepatitis

and alcoholic cirrhosis.  Most studies d=show milk thistle

improves liver function and increases survival in people with

cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis.


Early lapidary studies suggest that silymarin and other active

substances in milk thistle may have anti-cancer effects.  These

substances appear to:

Stop cancer cells from dividing and reproducing

Shorten the lifespan of cancer cells

Reduce blood supply to tumors

The above information if from University of Maryland Medical


Dr. Mercola website has that milk thistle anti-inflammatory effects

are among its greatest achievements, and recent research

suggest this is accomplished, in part using a two-phase process

similar to those used by other beneficial natural compounds like

curcumin and a component of green tea.


Aside from liver health and cancer protection, milk thistle also

shows promise for:

Kidney health

Heart health


Brain health

Listed below are 14 health benefits of milk thistle

Protects liver






Protects the heart

Protects from chemicals and toxins

May help prevent and treat cancer

Improves bone health

Effective milk secretor

Protects against radiation-induced lung injury

Reduces iron absorption

Inhibits fat cells


The above list is from selfhacked.com website and it has an in-

depth explanations on each item.

Milk thistle is scientifically called Silybum marianum.  It is an annual

or biennial plant of the Asteraceae family.  Originally a native of

Southern Europe through to Asia, it now found throughout the


The following is from Liversupport.com about milk thistle:

Functions as a therapeutic agent for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease

Improves blood sugar levels

Reduces cell damage caused by radiation and chemotherapy treatments

Supplements sunscreen protection and may be useful against multiple types of skin disease

Words as a free radical scavenger and powerful antioxidant

Reduces hot flashes and other related menopausal symptoms

Other listed items also from this website







YOU and clearing your MIND of stress


There are always constant ups and downs in life, roadblocks,

unplanned obstacles, arguments, and setbacks that all contribute

to one thing – stress, and lots of it.


White you cannot avoid stress altogether, simply letting it build up

and consume you can lead to not only a meltdown but sickness

and the dreaded thing called “disease”.


A clear mind is a healthy, productive mind.  Listed below are 8

ways that may help you clear your mind and be relaxed and

healthy along this road called “Life”.


Talk to a friend.

Read a great book

Write in a daily journal

Hit the gym hard

Go for a long run

Go punch for punch in the boxing ring

Take some time to meditate

Unplug from technology and for a walk or hike


Inc. Magazine had an article about how to clear mind in 15



Oh, this is really good and give it a try on one of those really

stressful days that show up often in Life:


5 minutes of physical activity

4 minutes of gratitude

3 minutes of meditation

2 minutes of silence

1 minute of deep breathing


what a wonderful way to spend 15 minutes.  Try it, you may find

that it actually does clear out the stress.


Dr. Mercola’s ways to relieving stress:

I have read, listened to and practice a lot over the years that Dr.

Mercola has to say.


Not relieving stress in our lives can cause:

Depressing, anxiety and moodiness

Immune dysfunction

Weight gain or loss

Cardiovascular disease

Sleep problems

Stomach and digestive problems

Headaches and back pain

Dr. Mercola says:

Sorting our priories and learning the value of saying NO

Meditation helps you take deliberate break from stress

Meridian tapping technique – which I have done over the years


Dr. Swenson’s books contain some other:





There are lots of ways listed above to relieve stress on a daily


Remember, the one reason to work on the above ways is

especially to stop sickness, disease, and anything negative

invading our daily life.

I have found that doing “First things First” and not putting off a

task I do not enjoy.  I always have a mission every day, I have a

plan, a triage plan if necessary.  There are always things that are

going to stress us out but also taking a deep breath and relaxing

shoulders and letting the body relax is a very helpful stress relaxer.


