YOU and GOD and science
GOD is everything to me. He created all, all the universes, all the
way everything functions, and if YOU look at the Fibonacci theory
that tells a lot about GOD because everything GOD has made
can be traced by the Fibonacci theory – numbers.
But, there is a new DVD that can be ordered and really understand
that GOD is becoming better understood in the scientific
community and scientist themselves are coming to understand
that GOD is the force behind everything.
“The Principle” movie can be ordered online.
It talks about how scientist are becoming more acceptable that
GOD created all. I am sure there are always going to be atheists
but many will change over time
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at
Just like Immanuel Velikovsky – anyone different in theory from
the norm and from what universities having been taught for
probably centuries and anyone attending those universities has
believed what they have been taught – like a “wedge” of the pie
only. Read about how the head of Harvard went after Velikovsky
for years-all Velikovsky’s research has proven to be valid over the
years and theories change and become solid science.
Science has been grappling with basic assumption into that
question for years. About GOD.
The spirit of LIFE is grounded in that GOD has created all and
science and creation are blending and it is too perfect to be a
happenstance. But, again look at the Fibonacci theory or series as
some say.
Watch Michael Schneider’s YouTube talk about how an artichoke
is created and YOU will understand how more and more scientist
are having to turn to GOD as the creator of all. Look at the planets,
vibration, the rotating and the movement of all planets.
The more scientist study the universe, the closer the scientist
seem to come to GOD.
Belief is a wonderful thing that we humans have – everyone has
certain beliefs and the important thing to remember is that as we
age or develop in LIFE – our belief system can change or become
really strong in our grounded beliefs.
There are probably always going to be atheists but as science
proves more and more is explained about the universe operates
there will be more of a change towards GOD and all he has
Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., is the director of the Human
Genome Project. He is a scientist and a believer and finds no
conflict between those world views.
JOY for today.
Age healthy
Prevention Theory