November 2018 -
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November 2018

In early 2000 – I lost my childhood family-all to different cancers. In that same time period, I had both my hips replaced.  I now take Lithium Orate daily and all the B vitamins and healthy brain food so I do not have depression anymore.
Do not dwell on the negatives or not in your control issues. Our brains are wired so that when we do think/dwell the more we think/dwell on these things.
Get out of that pattern – break those thought patterns.
It is not easy but for a peaceful/harmony of thought it is necessary
Life is never perfect – but our thoughts have to be good thoughts, peaceful thoughts as possible.
Are you giving out good energy and thoughts?
Whatever YOU give out YOU will get back.
As we know, everything is DAILY – working daily, thinking daily, being daily.
These daily thoughts – good, healthy, peaceful and harmony thoughts help to keep YOUR brain functioning at the level YOU need to accomplish the PLAN YOU have for SELF.
As energy flows through our bodies it energises us so that we can be at the top of our game on a daily basis.
Of course, 365 days of the year SELF is not going to be on top – but it is working on it daily that keep SELF looking great, working great and walking tall above the fray.

Iodine-rich pink salt

Is YOUR body getting enough Iodine?

Do you know what happens when your body runs out of iodine or gets low on iodine?

Iodine does amazing things for YOUR body.

Iodine deficiency is a global health issue. The World Health Organization estimate over 2 billion people may be iodine deficient, with up to 50 million suffering from serious symptoms of iodine deficiency, such as brain damage.

When the thyroid gland does not receive enough iodine YOUR body will have problems.

I am hypothyroid — it came about in my 40s — sometimes -they were not testing for thyroid problems at that time and took me, several doctors, to find out – when my OB/GYN called me at 9 pm one night because when he did test for thyroid it was so low he called as soon as he got the test. It has affected my whole body for the past 35 years.

And then I am type O positive blood type – which after all my research and find Dr. D’Amato’s research on blood types. Which his research states that this blood type is more susceptible to hypothyroidism, among other characteristics.

There are of symptoms of being iodine deficient:

  • Slowed brain function
  • Slowed metabolism
  • Lowered immunity
  • Emotional upset and anxiety
  • Compromised organ function
  • Depression
  • Weight gain

There are several different types of iodine. I take what they call nascent iodine, for my body it works best. I also make sure I buy it from Dr. Group products. There are all kinds – I try to buy the best product I can so that if I do take any one particular product I know what is going into my body.

I also have two different water purification products at home: I have a ph. water purifier and a water distiller. I never drink water out of the faucet.

When you go in to have your next annual checkup at the doctor – have him check for your iodine levels. But if you are tired all the time, have gained weight, have a foggy brain, have anxiety you will probably want a thyroid test done immediately so you can keep on track with your health.

I take Armour thyroid-it is from a pig thyroid and I appreciate that I can get it instead of the 20 years I was on man-made thyroid.

I believe everyone should have their iodine levels checked every year to stay ahead of any issues.

Our food, our water, our air is all causing different issues in each of us. The more YOU know about YOU the better you will age Healthy and Happy.

Factors that may contribute to low iodine levels are:

  • Diets low in fish
  • Vegan and vegetarian diets
  • Decreased use of iodized sale
  • Use of radioactive iodine in many medical procedures

Bromine chemicals are in our foods and products in the US – these have been linked to behavioral changes and neurodevelopmental disorders. And they have an effect on your endocrine system which is YOUR thyroid.

I use GOOD salt – Dr. Marshall’s Pink Salt, Celtic salt, your body needs GOOD salt. Good salt helps in being healthy also. Of course, commercial salt is not a GOOD salt. Good salt helps in a good thyroid function also.




What do YOU suppose the difference is between YOU

being negative and around negative people OR

YOU being positive and around positive people.

The best way to approach YOUR life is to try to stay away

from negative people; whether they are family or friends stay

away from them and if you find yourself around those kind of

people please smile, be as positive as possible, and do not

fall into their pattern of behavior because they will want YOU to

agree and just nodding your head verifies their mind-set.

Be at YOUR best – be at your most positive mind-set.

Stay away from people who are possessed with just a small

Thought process.  Narrow thinking makes people zero in on

negativity – they are not self-aware because they are needy,

all about managing others to their way of thinking.  They have

no idea about the WHOLE person-mind, body and spirit.  At this

blog and in my life I want YOU to be the most:  Self-aware person

you know so that you can help others in a more positive and

productive way that they need from YOU.

Be kind, be helpful, be positive, be happy, be loving, be generous

and YOU will see YOUR whole life change in super wonderful


Learn and read from the wonderful books that are available to

you.  The only way I feel wonder at 74 years of age is because

my mind is open for learning from others that have gone before


What does YOUR



One of my favorite authors and researchers is Immanuel

Velikovsky – he wrote, and you should read his writings, because

It is about YOUR history that is now only beginning to be

Understood and coming to the forefront of the WORLD.  But,

Because of Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky and his research of decades

And his writing we are now learning of the real World History.

But he paid the price because they are people who do not want

us to be SELF-AWARE, or be OUR BEST, or be the MOST

POSITIVE, and to know that the past may be the key to YOUR


YOU will never know what LIFE EXPECTS FROM YOU until


Not other self’s but of YOURSELF.

Never settle – in your personal life, in your professional life, in

your family life, or in your friend’s life.

Professor Velikovsky gave up a wonderful life because he would

not settle, would not cave-in, would not give up on the truths that

he knew would change the world thinking of their history.

In 1950 he already knew from his research there.  There were

some approximately 40 predictions that he made that the

academic scholars-so-called but not really said different than

Professor Velikovsky.

Be a Professor Velikovsky – see your higher-self, see that

what life expects from YOU, never settle for people around YOU

that are negative, that are needy, that are negative vampires.





YOU will only learn when YOUR MIND, BODY and SPIRIT are

In balance and working on it daily for the rest of your life.


Footprints on sandy tropical beach at sunrise



Are you nurturing the spiritual side of SELF?

Always be the best YOU can be – that will lift you to the next level

Of YOUR spiritual life.


However, you do that is ok for YOU but we will go through

some things that might lift you up to another level or break

down the walls of any boxes you have built up around YOUR

Spiritual side.


Trying smiling MORE

Try having good intentions,

Try being positive

Try thinking good thoughts

Items that may help you lift up YOUR spiritual SELF to the next


Healthier choices – in food, relationships, professional life

Favorable changes in relationships

Good financial behavior

Others notice YOUR changes

Increased mindfulness – easier to get things done

Improved level of well-being – improvement at work

Improved and less time-consuming recovery from

unpleasant events

Improved response to pleasant events – more productive

Not overly attached to things

More fully present and engaged – in the zone

More content with who you are and what you have

More empowered to be your authentic self

Empower SELF – Empower SELF – Empower SELF

Be grateful every day for everything –put any negatives

that may come up for the day.  Life can have dramatic and

tragedies and trauma.  They are coming to all of us – those

traumas and tragedies.

What is in YOUR tool box to deal with the traumas and

tragedies that come into all our lives.

Use all the tools in YOUR toolbox:




Quiet place

Dinner with family and friends


Start a project and finish the project as YOUR goal.

Plan to do YOUR bucket list

Write in your journal

YOUR life patterns that show how YOU deal with tragedies

And trauma in your life are characteristics that come from

YOUR own life’s patterns:

It is easy, as we go through life, to pick up negative habits

that when real life tragedies and traumas come our way


Nurture SELF during the difficult times in YOUR life.  Use

All of your tools in your toolbox.  Pamper SELF, meditate

And sit quietly and be thankful for YOU.

The only way YOU can nurture SELF is by SELF

But in YOUR lifetime there will be those times when

You need to step it up for YOUR benefit and not go

Into depression or have anxiety.

Nurturing SELF 95% of the time is what YOU need to do

so in the down times that come with trauma and tragedies

YOUR toolbox will be there for you, and will be YOUR best

friend and ally in YOUR life.


YOU are a super person who has a super mind that needs

to be nurtured while you are living in this beautiful life.






Sometimes be stronger than today

Sometimes have more courage than today

Sometimes be more grateful than today

Glow within and glow without –  smile with that glow

This is all about nurturing YOUR spirit



Mind is Infinate

Do YOU believe that YOUR mind is infinite?

It is true – but you have to believe it and move those lines so you can see it is infinite.

The basic Universal Law is that the more you give the more you get back.

Take an algebra class, any critical thinking class and you will be surprised how well you can do when you go into that class knowing you are going to learn not only algebra but you will learn about SELF also.

Read so you have the knowledge and realize that infinite mind that YOU have.  Read non-fiction.  There is a lot of fiction that has been written because the author cannot write non-fiction for fear of retaliation —Graham Green, Tom Clancy, or Michael Creighton.

Spend YOUR time finding YOUR infinite mind —  Stay off the phone, don’t watch TV.

Give the rest of YOUR life a chance to know that infinite mind of YOURS.

Do not be taken in by other people’s lifestyle.  You can not find your infinite mind if worry about not having what other people have, or are jealousy.  Remember the Serenity Payer – you can only control YOU – no one else.

In all our lives – something will happen that will turn your world around and make you think.  Only then will you realize that by continually ignoring the thought process, you will have walked into a potentially damaging situation, not only with your eyes wide open but worse, a closed MIND.  Do not have a closed MIND.  Keep learning, developing with knowledge.  Do not stay stuck because you have always done it that way, my family always did it that way, that is what I learned in school and college.

Listen to interviews by Dr. Darrell Hamamoto – Professor of Asian Studies at the University of California– he is a wonderful Professor and interesting thoughts on college and what it is really about today.  So what he is saying to me is:  One has to be responsible for SELF and learn everything you can about current life and expand YOUR MIND outside of your usual path.

“Knowledge itself is power.”

– Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

 YOUR mind will work better not only in your thinking but what you put into your body so that it runs as well as it can on a daily basis.

I do take Lithium Orate – that is recommended by Dr. Johnathan Grey, who wrote,  “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.”  He has some wonderful information on his website.  He does sell it on his website but I buy from “The Power Hour”  radio show out of Missouri that has fabulous health information and sells quality products.  If you believe your brain is not working at the best level it should be and gets little foggy do consider Lithium Orate and read the research by, Dr Grey, Dr Mercola, Dr Blaylock and others.

One’s Mind is a terrible thing to waste – so true – do not waste YOUR mind – take CONTROL – take CHARGE – of YOUR MIND.

Fill YOUR mind with good thoughts of SELF and others but fill YOUR mind with knowledge every day – learn something new every day. YOU can only do that if you practice self-discipline and write it down, journal it.










Do YOU believe in “Life After Death”?  or the AFTERLIFE?

I am a believer in life after death – in different ways one could



If as some say our memories and some of our brain memories

thoughts are outside our brain then I believe these memories and

thoughts last forever in the ether.  Or that our bodies are energy

then it just moves to another plane.


But scientists at the University of Southampton have done

research for 4 years, examining over 2,000 people who had

cardiac arrest in 15 hospitals in UK, US and Austria.

The researchers found that nearly 40% who survived described

Some “awareness” during the time when they were clinically dead

before their hearts were restarted.

It seems that everyone who survived had different experiences:

Sense of peacefulness

Time slowed down or speeded up

Bright light

Sun shining

Some had more negative experiences

Feelings of fear


Dragged through deep water

Some felt separated from their bodies

Some said their senses had been heightened.

Could all YOUR characteristics come into play here.  Your belief

system?  If you are taking drugs that certainly could have an

effect on the dying process.

Did not the Egyptians believe their pharaohs would return.  Or the

Dalai lama is reincarnated?

YOUR physical body is much different from your conscious mind

and the energy field that surrounds your body from your chakras.

It seems that for thousands of years, different regions around

the world have believed and studied the energy field of the body.

That is why all parts of the body, mind, body and spirit make up

the energy field and the conscious mind.  And why YOU must

treat YOUR body, mind and spirit well because parts of it will or

may be around FOREVER.  Moving through space and time –

hooking up with other consciousness or other energy fields.

YOUR belief is going to involve all your characteristics that come

with you in this life.
That is what makes this website different from any other is that it

Is about YOU – bringing all YOUR characteristics to the table

YOU can know, even with the little negatives issues we all

have – from the moment you were conceived and YOU started

building into this unique and gorgeous person YOU are, YOU will

be around FOREVER in some form of energy or consciousness.

YOU will be developing everyday and what you believe today may

Not be what you believe tomorrow because YOU should learn

New things everyday and grow mentally every day – just because

you are not going to school – continue to learn – that means

shutting off tv and read good biographies, auto-biographies, good

books on ancient civilizations and books on world history and

different regions of the world, different tribes than yours.

Grow, learn, develop, laugh, love, forgive – YOUR life.

When you die-that moment – how do you want to look-back and

see YOUR life?

What do you want YOUR life to look like?

Wipe out the “I regrets”, or “I wish”, or “I should have”, or “I could


Change is the hardest thing to do – get out of that small box s


Since I am energy – could the butterfly in the picture receive

some of my energy when my body dies?





Woman Swimming in pool
I became hypothyroid when I was in my late 40’s. At that time, there was no standard test you take if one was gaining weight, exhausted all the time among other things. Type O positive has characteristics for hypothyroidism.
So I have found in my own research what works best for SELF: swimming, rebounder, and having a CD with little fast paced jazzercise. I use everything I can to keep my Body working in high performance.
 To enjoy a healthy lifespan, everyday work on your Mind, Body, and Spirit so there is Balance.







Your conscious mind is referred to as your objective mind

because it deals with outward objectives.  And the objective mind

takes cognizance of the objective world.  Its media of observation

are your five physical senses; taste, sight, touch, smell, and

hearing.  Your objective mind is your guide and director in your

contact with your environment.  You gain knowledge through your

five senses.  This part of your mind learns through observation,

experience, and education.  But, the greatest function of your

objective mind is that of reasoning.


In your own city you would see the beauty in the parks, children,

and history and that is your objective conscious mind.



Your subconscious mind is sometimes referred to as your

subjective mind.  It takes cognizance of its environment by means

independent of the five senses.  The subconscious mind

perceives by intuition.  It is the seat of your emotion and the

storehouse of your memory.  Your subjective mind performs at its

highest functions when your objective sense is in abeyance.  It is

that intelligence which makes itself manifest when the objective

mind is suspended or in a sleepy, drowsy state.


It not only has intuitive function, but has the capacity of

clairvoyance and clairaudience.  Your subconscious can leave

your body, travel to distant land and bring back information or can

read thoughts of others, read the content of sealed envelopes and

closed safes.  Or can retrieve thoughts of others.


YOU need to understand the interaction of the objective and

subjective mind in order to learn the true art of prayer.

The habitual thinking of your conscious mind eatables deep

grooves in your subconscious mind.  This is very favorable for you

if your habitual thoughts are harmonious, peaceful, and



Your subconscious mind, being creative and one with your divine

source, will proceed to create the freedom and happiness which

have earnestly decreed.


Your conscious mind is the “watchman at the gate” and to protect

your subconscious mind from false impressions.


The law of mind; Your subconscious mind is amenable to

SUGGESTION.    It does not make comparisons, or contrast,

neither does it reason and think things out for itself.

Subconscious = suggestions.  And different people will react in

different ways to the same suggestion because of their

subconscious conditioning or belief.


Laws of MIND:

In its constructive form it is wonderful and magnificent.  In its

negative aspects it is one of the most destructive of all the

response patterns of the mind, resulting in patterns of misery

failure, suffering, sickness, and disaster.


You can reject all negative suggestions into the Subconscious

mind with constructive autosuggestions, YOU can counteract all

these destructive ideas.


Think good thoughts and good follows.


REMEMBER:  Intentions of good suggestions with emotions.

Do not let others do your thinking for you.  Choose your own

Good thoughts – and make your own decisions.














Coronary calcium is a good indicator of heart attack risk since it

measures the amount of calcium, one of the components that can

build up in plaques that narrow heart vessels and can rupture and

cause heart attacks.


Plaque builds up can cause terrible effects on your health but

Eating healthy from a young age – and can slow your energy

Down, cause heart attacks.


Those eating 7 – 9 servings of vegetables and fruit a day on average were 25 % less to have coronary calcium in their arteries


There are several things that I have done over the years that have


Helped clean plaque out of my vessels and that is:


  1. I have flossed my teeth for 35 years now once a day


  1. I have taken L-arginine


L-arginine is a type of amino acid, and as we know, amino acids are the “building blocks” of proteins.


L-arginine is considered somewhat essential because it is highly important for many functions and I will list the benefits of L-arginine:


Stimulates growth hormones and insulin that help usher glucose into cells to be used for growth and energy output.


Enhances physical performance, stamina, and strength


Fight inflammation


Lowering risk for arteriosclerosis and heart attack


Repairing blood vessels


Fighting congestive heart failure


Help lower high blood pressure


Improving athletic performance


Increase immune function


Improve kidney function


Reduce muscle pains


Improve mental capacity


Fighting dementia


Preventing common cold


Correcting impotence


L-arginine is needed by the endothelial cells in order to form enough nitric oxide to keep blood flowing freely.


Listed below are 5 ways L-arginine helps the body:


  1. improves heart health


  1. Lowers inflammation and fights the effects of aging.


  1. Boosts exercise performance


  1. improves immunity. Helps prevent infections and speeds up



  1. helps treat erectile dysfunction and infertility


Some of the best natural sources of L-arginine includes:


Cage-free eggs


Dairy products-cultured yogurt, kefir, raw organic cheese


Grass fed beef


Liver and organ meats


Wild caught fish


Sesame seeds


Pumpkin seeds


Sunflower seeds


Seaweed and sea vegetables




Brazil nuts






Coconut meat


Everything about YOU – your mind, body, and spirit are


interacting every minute of every day of your life.  The more


You know about all YOU – the more you will age healthy and


live life until you die.


Each of us had our own childhood – whatever our socioeconomic


Status was.


My mother always had:





I grew up on that food-mother never had a vegetable garden

because we lived in a city.


I do believe strongly that people who were raised on farms and

had gardens and chickens or pigs or beef are probably in better

health than my family and aged healthy.


For 35 years I have been doing preventive for SELFhood.


Everything I talk about on this website I have probably done over

these 35 years to age healthily.
