Listed below are some issues that you need to think about so
that YOU can protect YOUR mind:
Negative thoughts
Mind Control
Negative Energy
Bad Foods
Toxic people
Alzheimer’s & Dementia
Useless & repetitive thoughts
Emotional Manipulation
YOUR mind has tendencies o think negative thoughts and these
negative thoughts hold captive your unlimited potential and
deprive you of the success you deserve
To control YOUR mind and prevent negative thoughts from
happening, you:
-hand around with positive people
-read a motivating book
-listen to a motivating audio
-stay away from negative people
-stop reading the news (which always negative)
There are easy solutions and relatively fast way:
The best way to stay positive and protect your mind from
debilitating negative thoughts is with
Take a few moments each day to be grateful for what you have
Do YOUR best to come up with 5 different things every day to be
grateful for.
Just saying “THANK YOU” to the universe – The Higher Power,
and God hears you all the time and know it is positive and
NLP-Neuro-Linguistic Programming is one of the world’s most
prevalent methods of mind control, used by everyone from sales
callers to politicians to media pundits, and it is nasty to the core.
Here are 10 ways to make sure nobody uses it on you – ever
Tony Robbins used NLP techniques – along with most motivational
speakers today, the newscasters, pastors, and so on for many
people in sales.
- Be extremely wary of people copying your body language.
- Move your eyes in random and unpredictable patterns
- Do not let anybody touch you
- Be wary of vague language
- Be wary of permissive languor
- Be wary of gibberish
- Read between the lines
- Watch your attention
- Do not agree to anything
- Trust your intuition
Be careful – about this mind control – Tavistock Institute and
NLP – and just be aware of these techniques. DO not let fear
taking over anything of SELF – be aware. The more knowledge
you have the more secure and safe you are.
The way to protect yourself against Alzheimer’s and dementia is:
Physical activity
Weight control
Mental challenges
Social connections
Healthy diet
Prevention of disease
I have not had a microwave oven for 15 years now and
knew how bad not only the food cooked in them was bad for us
bodies but the sauce of electrical magnetic radiation comes off
them also.
From all the years of research and practicing meditation and
Prayer the conclusion is that what works is:
Let YOUR family and friends know that you practice all 5 of the
topics listed above. Mostly by actions and being proactive in all
YOU do.
There is just too much in today’s environment that can make
YOUR mind, body, and spirit go into the negative realm.
Life is too short to be anything other in the positive realm of
A thought which controls the mind, body and spirit.