Mind is Infinate


The more YOU learn the more YOUR Spirit will develop and grow

Consciousness is long recognized by ancient sages and scholars

and now validated in terms of modern science.

there are realms that lie dormant within YOU.  This blog is going

to help you get to that realm.


Our mind is a “mental state” that consists of the development of

expanded state of consciousness and occurs in tandem with

reduced stress, better physical health and the emergence of life-

enhancing personal qualities.


Forever and forever over millions of years, there have been plants

and herbs that have expanded human’s consciousness.  I am

very careful what I put into my body that affects my mind.  I do not

believe in artificial mind expansions – like hiatus or marijuana or

anything that would expand my mind artificially.  I will drink 1 -2

glasses of wine when I am out for dinner.  I do not even like

drinking wine by myself in my own home and that is how careful

I am with my mind and protecting it.  But, I do work on expanding

my mind and developing my Spirit to a high level as possible.

Here is a list of natural plants that people have used and are very

Additive and mind altering that artificially change and make life


Difficult in the long run:






Betel nut





Almost every family or person has been touched by additions of

some form for the last 100 years.

So we will continue on with YOUR spiritual mind and always

making it to the next level, naturally and with the mind we have

been given.


Researchers have measured people’s responses, both in

subjective reports and specific brain changes and have been able

to establish four signatures that signal consciousness.


Sages from many traditions from all over the world and in almost

every tribe have different states of consciousness –feelings of

Stillness, boundlessness, bliss, happiness, peace and all the

other good feelings and thinking’s we human’s feel.  The brain

changes – the mind experiences different changes when

meditating, praying, or stillness.


There are 3 states of consciousness; waking, sleeping and

dreaming but there are a lot of variations within each of those 3

brain changes.  Besides the 3 ordinary stages of consciousness,

other states have been observed by practitioners from different

cultures and by scientist alike.


YOU have to decide how and what works best for YOU.  We just

try to let YOU know all variation of consciousness so that it works

best for YOU and YOUR spiritual life.


Modern meditation scholars have classified various forms of

meditation into three categories; focused attention, open

monitoring, and automatic self-transcending.


YOUR intent plays into this spiritual realm of YOU but also

Feelings and emotions also play a factor into YOUR spiritual

mind.  YOU have to find YOUR groove in meditating or praying

that works best for YOU.  It is always about what works best for



This website talks about all the different parts of Mind, Body and

Spirit that makes the best YOU and so you can progress

throughout YOUR life.




