May 2017 -
Browsing Date

May 2017




YOU and magnesium and stronger bones


The following is from Natural News

New research has found that taking magnesium supplements

could hold the key to stronger bones in middle-aged and elderly

people.  Published in the European Journal of Epidemiology, the

study has suggested that low magnesium concentration in the

body can lead to increased risk of bone fractures.


Academics from the University of Bristol and the University of

Eastern Finland conducted the study by following 2,245 men

between the ages of 42 and 61 over a period of 25 years.

Through the course of their research, they discovered that men

with lower blood levels of magnesium were more prone to the risk

of fractures, particularly hip fractures.  Men who had much higher

blood levels of magnesium were 44 percent less likely to sustain

fractures.  Researchers noted that the 22 men who had elevated

magnesium levels had never experienced a fracture throughout

the follow-up period.


“The findings do suggest that avoiding low serum concentrations

of magnesium may be a promising though unproven strategy for

risk prevention of fractures.  Dr. Setor Kunutsor, lead researcher

and research fellow at the university of Bristol’s Musculoskeletal

Research Unit has said.


The following are some facts about magnesium:

Magnesium keeps the parathyroid gland working normally.  This

is the gland that controls calcium levels, which in turn is essential

for healthy and strong bones.

Aside from ensuring the bone health, magnesium helps the body in

other ways.  This mineral also helps the body convert food into

energy, reduce muscle tension and lessen the pain connected to

migraines and headaches.

Women have a lot to gain from taking in magnesium.  The noted

benefits for women include relief from the symptoms of

premenstrual syndrome and menopause, and minimized risk of

premature labor.


Too much magnesium can be just as dangerous as too little of it.


The following is from Dr. Sircus website-renowned expert on

magnesium that I have his book and followed his website for



Dr. Sircus has lots of research on his website and it will be a

benefit for you to go and visit his website and read some of the

research on his website.

Magnesium has a calming effect on the nervous system and is

considered the “anti-stress” mineral and a natural tranquilizer.

The elderly, magnesium supplements were found to improve

sleep by decreasing the release of cortisol, a known cause of

sleep disruption.  Stress depletes magnesium and magnesium

relieve stress.  When your magnesium levels are low, your

nervous system gets out of balance, and you feel on edge,

naturally resulting in tightening muscles.  When we are under

stress our need to magnesium skyrockets.

Take the right amount of magnesium for your body.







YOU and YOUR Spiritual Growth


This website is about you and how you will age without disease so YOUR Spiritual Growth is part of that equation and is life-long.

part of that equation and is life-long.


YOU will keep learning and developing until you die so YOU will want to do that free of illness and to do that YOU have to know SELF and how to keep you well and that is what this website is here to do.

and to do that YOU have to know SELF and how to keep you well and that is what this website is here to do.

is here to do.


Learn and develop for YOU


YOU have to have a:




So that you can have devotions every day or meditate or pray every day.  But everyday YOU need to do something to connect with YOUR Higher Power, God, or

need to do something to connect with YOUR Higher Power, God, or Infiniete Intelligence.


Stay connected with YOUR spiritual side because YOU are walking daily in that light.




The Bible or any Spiritual books that helps you with the connection




There are a lot of good Spiritual Books written by Spiritual authors and some of those books are:



The Power of Now          Eckhart Tolle


The Celestine Prophecy      James Redfield


The Road Less Traveled      M. Scott Peck


The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People   Stephen R. Covey


The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success     Deepak Chopra


Jonathan Livingston Seagull           Richard Bach


The Power of Your Subconscious Mind     Dr. Joseph Murphy


Power of Positive Thinking        Dr. Norman Vincent Peale


These are just a few that may be beneficial to your Spiritual Growth


You may have all the above in your library and if you do not please get them so you can go over them

over them any time as your reading is for your growth


Here are some practical suggestions for building a stronger spiritual life.


  1. Be a river, nat a swamp
  1. identify blessings
  2. be like Moses-speak words of blessing
  3. nurture a shared prayer life or meditation life
  4. take a step of faith
  5. be a grateful person
  6. share the journey
  7. Volunteer
  8. Enjoy solitude
  9. Fast
  10. Turn worries over to your God, Higher Power or Infinite Intelligence
  11. Spread love and kindness and joy
  12. Keep your priorities straight
  13. Strive for excellence
  14. Use it or lose it
  15. Be reliable
  16. Thank God for everything, everyday
  17. Choice you have freedom to choose: choose joy over despair. Love over hate, forgiveness over revenge. Growth over stagnation
  18. A crisis can evoke the best in YOU or the worst in YOU

