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Have you ever heard of the Tavistock Institute?

Probably not

But, today YOU will learn about the institute from this website

And how it affects YOU – and YOUR family and friends.

I first heard of the institute from Dr. John Coleman’s Book

“Committee of 300” – tried to pass it around so more people

would learn about many things in the world that are old world

history.  But Daniel Estulin has written a whole book about

the whole institute and how it affects everyone’s in the world’s








“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized

habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in

democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen

mechanism of society constitutes an invisible government which is

the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our

minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested,

largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of

the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast

numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they

are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost

every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or

business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are

dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who

understand the mental processes and social patterns of the

masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public



– Edward Bernays


YOU are being social engineered – we all are – only we do not

know it – but, now YOU know it and just trying to keep in mind

that there may be damage coming towards YOUR mind, body

and spirit so it would be out of balance and you have to be

aware daily and aware that there are lots of things to be aware of

while you are trying to keep YOUR mind, body, and spirit



It has been alleged that the Tavistock Institute actually ran at least

one, if not many online forums in order for it to suppress an

control where information went.  And anytime it went anywhere

near them, those topics were swept under the rug promptly, which

only made research to keep going forward to find out what is

going on from the institute.


There are many things that YOU need to be careful about – social

engineering the masses is one of them.  Brainwashing begins

when young – it comes from tv, from education, any addictions,

from religion, from family and friends.


We will talk more about social engineering later on down the road.

But you do need to be aware of that it is being done.  YOU need

tools to not be taken in by these topics





YOU are YOUR childhood – mind, body, and spirit.  YOU have

gone through the development stages of maturing into who you

are today – going from dependent upon your childhood

parents/mentor/guardians that make decisions for YOU to being

independent and making your own decisions about YOUR


Body, Mind, and Spirit


Most likely what you did in your childhood is what you usually do

in adulthood or you search for your own spirituality in your own

time and look for your spirituality outside what you had in your



You and I, as young children learned through their direct

experience and through observation of other’s behavior, and not

by way of abstract discussion.   Children learn particular practices

by participating in them.


Besides immersing children in the ongoing practice of cultural and

religious traditions, parents can also foster children’s appreciation

of their heritage through games and crafts on their family and

cultural history, these are important for spiritual growth as we

develop and mature and age.


Cultural practices including music, language, food and dress are

important to each of us for all the time we are here.  But, exposing

children to other cultures at an early age help develop them

tolerance and appreciation of cultural differences and diversity;

skills they will need to navigate the complex and culturally

interdependent modern world – our next door neighbor and



A child’s spiritual life should be age appropriate.  Overall

development of every child is unique.  Before age 10 or so, the

spiritual parenting will have the most lasting effect if it builds a

foundation in the SELF rather than focusing on principles.


Every young child should feel that:


They are loved and lovable


Meditation can add to a sense of a child’s self-worth and even

power because it is an activity that belongs just to them.


The childhood brain is a factor here.   It has been shown that

introducing mediation leads to behavioral improvements in older

ages – middle school and later.


Meditating is a wonderful thing for us adults but also with a child

it gives them a feeling of control and power.


Given the opportunity foo meditate a child or adult is able to

notice actual changes in themselves.  They are calmer, more

centered, less troubled, less tempted to act out.


They are worthwhile in their parents; eyes

Being a good person comes from within

Happiness and fulfillment are natural


The child/adult learns how to be fulfilled and successful life, the

best route is through the spiritual life.  We learn the value of our inner

The world, and as the years pass this value increases until the

realization dawns that all of the existence originates “in here” at the

level of the soul.


What a wonderful outcome you and I are – to find “in here” at the

level of our soul.


We are our childhood – hoping to reach the level we aspire to and


Find out:

What Does Life Expect from Us?





YOUR lymphatic system touches almost every part of the body.  It

is a network of fluid-filled nodes, vessels, gland, and organs.

Although e do not feel or see it, it is one of the most important

systems of the human body.  It is important to give the lymph

system attention over the years and as YOU age.


The lymphatic system’s main function is to cleanse toxins and

protect against harmful invaders.  It works by carrying waste away

from the tissues and into the bloodstream.  It tackles toxins that

are introduced to the body from both external meas0food, air,

personal care products, water as well as internal ones-damaged

proteins and cellular/metabolic waste.  It is a key detoxification



Through lymph nodes and the lymphatic network, your immune

cells can travel around fighting pathogens, such as bacteria and

mold, and prevent disease and infection.


You have to keep your lymphatic system functioning properly for

your overall health of YOUR body.


The stronger the lymphatic systems mean a more resilient and

reactive immune response and defense


YOUR lymphatic system can become stagnant and especially

with toxic debris.


I have used a REBOUNDER for about 15 years now – and it is


Rated as not only the number 1 piece of exercise equipment but

It keeps your lymphatic network clean – if done regularly

Rebounding and keeping your lymphatic network clean helps

keep your youthful skin and body cellulite-free


So listed below are 10 natural ways to keep your lymphatic

network clean and clear so it can flow and do its work.



One of the easiest ways to pump the lymph network.  And it also improves muscle tone and just over-all body good




Pad table that allows one to invert upside down while strapped in by the feet.  Decompresses the joints of the body and stimulates the lymphatic and circulatory system.



How easy is that just plain lemon water?  Use distilled or filtered water.  Every day drink half your weight in water – add the lemon so your will be alkalizing your body and getting the water at the same time.



Enzymes are also used utilize by the body to clear toxic waste buildup in the lymph and blood, making their supplementation a key way to improve lymphatic health.



How wonderful does a good massage feel?  I have had lymphatic massage over the years and is a special form of massage that specifically targets the flow of lymph network.



Red clover is a good herb for lymph, increasing flow, which helps to detoxify the body and reduce inflammation.  I make tea from red clover that I buy at a good grocery store.



Take a dry brush with coarse bristle and brush the skin towards the heart.  This stimulates the sweat glands, opens pores, and gets rid of dead skin cells.  Encourages movement of lymph and blood in underlying organs and tissues of the body.



I always eat raw vegetables.  And I juice a lot-chard and turmeric work well for my body.  Put as many fresh vegetables into your body as possible.



Get rid of the bras with wires – clogs up the lymphatic systems under arms.



Yoga works in multiples way for the body.  There are various forms of Yoga – try the one that fits YOU best but does Yoga for all of it’s benefits





YOUR thoughts


YOUR actions


Watch your words


Watch your expectations


Do not let anything or anyone provoke YOUR thoughts


Do not be manipulated – they frame people and events as


Good or bad, smart or stupid, brave or cowardly.  It is important to be aware of efforts to

be aware of efforts to embed black-and-white judgment into our behavior because most activities and events in life are too complex to be reduced to the level of an “either-or” judgment.

behavior because most activities and events in life are too complex to be reduced to the level of an “either-or” judgment.

to be reduced to the level of an “either-or” judgment.


You have to STOP being influenced by anything, anyone, or anyplace.  Make it a point to not let anyone, thing, or place because then you will not:

anyplace.  Make it a point to not let anyone, thing, or place because then you will not:

because then you will not:


What Does Life Expect from You?


So you will have a meaningful life, so that you will have purpose,

so that you will have joy, so that you will age healthily.


Shoulda, woulda, coulda – is what you want to limit to minimal at

all costs.


Limit regrets by making good decisions for SELFhood and setting

aside everyone,


Check your sticking thinking –


Change your thought patterns are changed to make sure they


Are positive which will make you brave and courageous to find


Your Purpose in Life –


No negative:


No jealous


Forgive everyone and everything.


Let it go


Think good thoughts about EVERYONE


Never make assumptions


Do not blame


Do not reason with unreasonable people


Do not label people


Stay away from needy people


Stay away from drama people


Stay away from whiners and complainers










Have a daily check up for your thinking


Think about how you can make this new day a GREAT day-


In your daily life, professional life, and any relationships


Positive thinking will not let you do anything other than to bring more positive thinking into your mind.

more positive thinking into your mind.

Zig Ziglar



Always, always ask YOUR SELF – questions


What do I want


What do I enjoy doing?


What is meaningful in my life


What gives me Joy


Forgive me and everyone


Framing questions in your mind should be positive and about

SELFhood –


Imagine positive outcomes


Have good intent


Say everything with positive thinking


What have you done to make those changes in YOUR life?


Repeat, and keep repeating positive thoughts


Write a list of things you need to focus on to make positive change


Write a list of regular habits that are keeping you from making the positive changes


Write a list of work-life balance.


Write a list of who inspires, encourages, empowers YOU on a


Daily basis


Go through the grieving process on your pain and trauma from life


This will help you get to the:

What Life Does Expect from YOU?


There is always going to be:








And it touches us easy separately and differently because of our







The Spirit of SELFhood in the NOW is always a grand saying.

Live in the NOW.

Enjoy the NOW

Live in the Present

YOU are your yesterdays, todays and the tomorrows so it is

hard and not so hard to stay in the NOW>

Today this Blog will be visiting the book by Eckhart Tolle,

“Practicing “The Power of NOW” – and all of his enlighten on

of the subject of staying in the NOW.

“When your consciousness is directed outward, mind and world



When it is directed inward, it realizes its own Source and returns

home into the Unmanifested”


But, this website is about manifested mind and YOU and YOUR



Tolle does speak of “end the delusion of time and that time and

mind is inseparable.  Remove time from mind and it stops.

Which is true when you sit and meditate – YOU should be able to

feel that time has stopped.  Tolle does say the more you are

focused on time – past and future – the more you miss the NOW,

the most precious thing there is.


I try to live in the NOW – on my own terms but I still enjoy what

Tolle has to say about the NOW in his books.  That is why it is

Important to read and absorb others and reflect how it adds to

ones own life, you sort out what good would work into your own

theory on your own life and philosophy and leave out which will

not improve you to the next level on your journey.


NOW is the most important thing and the most precious thing

there is.  Because it is the only thing, all there this.  There was

ever a time when your life was not now.  And the Now is the only

point that can take you beyond the limited confines of YOUR



This minute is the best minute – and the last minute was good

and were you in that minute as you are in this minute – and into

the next minute.  That is how we live in the NOW – what this

minute brings from the history of you.


Tolle talks about breaking bad habits – which is really, really great

because we all have bad habits and we continually have to work

those bad habits or addictions.   Therefore, from my life lesson on

forgiveness – of SELF and others is one of most beautiful ways to

break bad habits or addictions.


Tolle talks about: “Making it a habit to monitor your mental and

Emotional state through self-observation”

The question he said is “Am I at ease at this moment”?  and that

Is a great question because I have found that I do not go

anywhere, say anything, or do anything where I am not at ease.


WE are the past, the present, and the future.

The past we forgive, remember, and have good thoughts.

The present can be loving, forgiving, and making good memories.

And Plan, stay on Mission, Learn, Read and have intentions of

what YOU will have in the future.




Mind is Infinate


Chronic stress increases the stress hormone cortisol and affects

many brain functions, putting you at risk for many mood disorders

and other mental issues.


Stress is an unavoidable part of modern life.


There are two main kinds of stress – acute stress and chronic

stress – and not all stress is bad for you.


Acute stress is the reaction to an immediate threat, commonly

known as the “fight or flight” response.


Once the threat has passed, your level of stress hormones

returns to normal with no long-lasting effects.


Some degree of acute stress is even considered desirable as it

primes your brain for peak performance.


But chronic stress – the kind most of us fact day in, day out – is a


90% of doctors’ visits are for stress-related health complaints.

We are here to help you know the signs and fix the stress in your

life-we cannot solve your stress but helping and giving help

indicators can.


Chronic stress makes you more vulnerable to everything from

cancer to cold.


The non-stop elevation of stress hormones not only makes your

body sick; it negatively impacts your brain as well.


When stress becomes chronic, it changes your brains’ function

and even its structure down to the level of your DNA.


Stress hormones include epinephrine(adrenaline) and

norepinephrine produced on an as needed basis in moments of

extreme excitement.  They help you think and move fast in an

emergency.  They can save your life in the right situation.  The do

not linger in the body, dissipating as quickly as they were created.


Cortisol, on the other hand, streams through your system all day

long, and that is what makes it dangerous.


This stress hormone has been call the most dangerous of all

body, mind, and spirit.  Can lead to healthy problems, including

weight gain, osteoporosis, digestive problems, hormone

imbalances, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.  And takes a toll

on your adrenal glands.


One of the things I do – I take lithium orates every day

  1. Stress can kill brain cells.
  1. Make you forgetful and emotional
  1. Cycle of fear and anxiety
  1. Halts production of new brain cells
  1. depletes critical brain chemical causing depression
  1. Greater risk for mental illnesses of all kinds
  1. make bad decisions
  1. shrinks your brain
  1. lets toxins into your brain
  1. increases risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s
  1. causes brain cells to commit suicide
  1. contributes to brain inflammation and depression


There are simple steps to help stop stress everyday practicing:

  1. diet high in antioxidant-rich foods.
  1. Physical exercise
  1. meditation or prayer
  1. try self-hypnosis
  1. try herbal and spices have helped me.


I can tell you to:


Challenge SELF


Be Productive every day


Have a Mission every day


Stop putting any man-made products in your body.


Stop buying boxed, bagged, or canned foods.















Do you know how much our Sun affects YOU?

In 1987 Dr. Ross Aidey, White House Chief of Staff for the

Reagan administration, published a scientific paper on

“Cell membranes, electromagnetic fields and intercellular

communication” announcing that about 20 % of pineal cells in

pigeons, guinea-pigs and rats respond to changes in both

direction and intensity of the earth’s magnetic field causing

variation in the peptide hormone melatonin, which powerfully

influences circadian rhythms.


The biological rhythm cycle had already been determined by others

as lasting 28 days in humans, which corresponds exactly the the

sun’s 28 – day period of rotation, as seen from earth.  It became

clear that the sun’s radiation not only determined personality but

controlled behavior of human organism after the moment of birth;

the suns’ fields(Nicolson), which affects the endocrine system

directly(Aidey), causing the pineal gland to regulate the

production of the timing-hormone melatonin throughout the 28-

day period.


The hypothesis that the sun bio regulates behavior through

regulation of the endocrine system through variations in



We each need to understand how much the Sun has affected us

and many civilizations before us and what it looks like:

Professor H.J. Eysenck and D.K.B. Nias report on several studies

of interest about how the sun controls biorhythms:

In 1960, 2 German studies, carried out by R. Reiter, who

analyzed 362,000 industrial accidents over a two-year period,

found an increase of 20-25 % in accident rates on days of strong

electromagnetic radiation.  And 21,000 traffic accidents, came to

the same conclusion.  That on strong electromagnetic radiation of

extra-low frequency variety.  Fewer accidents occurred on days

of high magnetic disturbance as against extra-low-frequency


I love all this research on how the sun and high frequency and

low frequency has affected us over centuries:


Russian historian A. L Chizhevsky collected data from 72

countries from 600 B.C. onwards, comparing the occurrence of

epidemics, wars and social unrest with the occurrence of

sunspot cycles.  He found many correlations of significance,

including one showing the sun influenced behavior of populations,

leading to revolutions and social upheaval.


Russian researchers are the best and love their literature also.

Not that it has made their people any more free – but they do

have a different set of researchers than American does – and

their research may not be made available to their own people.


Exposure to high magnetic frequency from the sun is totally

different from EMF from the electronic equipment we all use daily

– which you need to try to keep far away from your sleeping area

as often as possible.


I will try to find a way to check daily Sun electromagnetic

frequency and add it

to this website and put it on the podcast weekly eventually.  There

is are many issues about the sun that there is research on but we

have to keep writing about the most recent research.

Just be aware that the sun’s electromagnetic field does affect you

and your body every minute of every day.  YOUR moods, your

Endocrinology system and your important pineal gland.


Mind is Infinate


The more YOU learn the more YOUR Spirit will develop and grow

Consciousness is long recognized by ancient sages and scholars

and now validated in terms of modern science.

there are realms that lie dormant within YOU.  This blog is going

to help you get to that realm.


Our mind is a “mental state” that consists of the development of

expanded state of consciousness and occurs in tandem with

reduced stress, better physical health and the emergence of life-

enhancing personal qualities.


Forever and forever over millions of years, there have been plants

and herbs that have expanded human’s consciousness.  I am

very careful what I put into my body that affects my mind.  I do not

believe in artificial mind expansions – like hiatus or marijuana or

anything that would expand my mind artificially.  I will drink 1 -2

glasses of wine when I am out for dinner.  I do not even like

drinking wine by myself in my own home and that is how careful

I am with my mind and protecting it.  But, I do work on expanding

my mind and developing my Spirit to a high level as possible.

Here is a list of natural plants that people have used and are very

Additive and mind altering that artificially change and make life


Difficult in the long run:






Betel nut





Almost every family or person has been touched by additions of

some form for the last 100 years.

So we will continue on with YOUR spiritual mind and always

making it to the next level, naturally and with the mind we have

been given.


Researchers have measured people’s responses, both in

subjective reports and specific brain changes and have been able

to establish four signatures that signal consciousness.


Sages from many traditions from all over the world and in almost

every tribe have different states of consciousness –feelings of

Stillness, boundlessness, bliss, happiness, peace and all the

other good feelings and thinking’s we human’s feel.  The brain

changes – the mind experiences different changes when

meditating, praying, or stillness.


There are 3 states of consciousness; waking, sleeping and

dreaming but there are a lot of variations within each of those 3

brain changes.  Besides the 3 ordinary stages of consciousness,

other states have been observed by practitioners from different

cultures and by scientist alike.


YOU have to decide how and what works best for YOU.  We just

try to let YOU know all variation of consciousness so that it works

best for YOU and YOUR spiritual life.


Modern meditation scholars have classified various forms of

meditation into three categories; focused attention, open

monitoring, and automatic self-transcending.


YOUR intent plays into this spiritual realm of YOU but also

Feelings and emotions also play a factor into YOUR spiritual

mind.  YOU have to find YOUR groove in meditating or praying

that works best for YOU.  It is always about what works best for



This website talks about all the different parts of Mind, Body and

Spirit that makes the best YOU and so you can progress

throughout YOUR life.









YOU and YOUR Human Spirit


YOUR human spirit comes, again, from your yesterdays,

your family, your understanding, your learning and knowledge,

your developing into the person you are today BUT:


YOU have to keep developing, growing, learning and going

beyond where you are today.


YOU have to outgrow this SELF you are today.

I will give you a story that will make you see that you need to

outgrow where you are today.


My sister, I use her because I have learned a lot from her life

experiences on what I do not want to say at the end of my life.

So anyway, she was an alcoholic and did get sober 30 years


she died, but she mentally never developed beyond that getting

sober years because she accepted that she was sober and so

never went beyond that.  So that was why she had tremendous

regret at the end of her life.


She went to a psychiatrist for 30 years but yet never developed.

If YOU or I go to group, therapy for over 3 years – please move

beyond that group or therapy because it can become stagnant

She never matured and developed mentally

She never matured and developed spiritually

She never matured and developed body

And since early 1980s I have been maturing and developing on a

daily basis.










I learned at those early years:


To say and live the Serenity Prayer:

God grant the me the serenity

to accept the things, I cannot change;

courage to change the things I can;

and wisdom to know the difference.


What that prayers says to me and still speaks to me today is that

I cannot control anyone but myself.  Stay out of other people’s

business, and do not try solving problems that are not yours.

Take only care of SELF.  Everything else is someone else’s



Live and breath the Serenity Prayer everyday because it will take

all YOUR stress away if you live and breath and believe it.

Acceptance is not laziness

Have courage to change ourselves

Hardship can be good for you

Surrendering requires courage, too

Happiness is attainable


Here are some wonderful quotes from people who have lived



Start where you are. Use what you have.  Do what you can.

Arthur Ashe


It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop



A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the

Desire to beat others.

Ayn Rand


Believe in yourself!  Have faith in your abilities!  Without a humble

But reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be

Successful or happy.

Norman Vincent Peale

I have read Dr. Peale since the 1950 when we had his books in

Our home.


The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

Mark Twain


Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of


George S. Patton


Another Confucius:

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full

Potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to

Personal excellence.


Another one of my favorite people is Wayne Dyer who said:

Go for it now.  The future is promised to no one.


And another one of my favorite people is Bo Jackson, the great

football and baseball sports star and he is living by his words:


Set your goals high, and do not stop until you get there.


I have not had TV for almost 15 years – and do not miss it or want

it again



Ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and

forgiveness.  I practice it often:    writing down one

of my children’s name or saying it out loud and

then praying:  I am sorry, please forgive me, I love

you, thank you.  I repeat it for at least 10-15 minutes

for that person.  I pray it before I go on auto trip –

touching my car.  I have prayed it in an airplane

when there has been turbulence.

It corrects, restores and maintains good

relationships among family members and their God

by getting to the causes and sources of trouble.

There was a Hawaiian psychiatrist that performed

this with inmates in prison for murder.  The ones

he performed this on were released from prison

because they became good citizens.


Ho’oponopono in 4 simple steps

  1. Repentance –  I AM SORRY
  1. Ask forgiveness  –  PLEASE FORGIVE ME
  1. Gratitude – THANK YOU
  1. Love  –  I LOVE YOU


I  have used Ho’oponopono for years plus I meditate and

Pray also.  I use all the tools I have in my Tool Box.

Deepen YOUR understanding of how the universe and especially

YOUR part of the universe


It is not always easy and can be very stressful on each of us

Individually but accept that we are the sum total of all past

thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions and that our

present lives and choices are colored or shaded by this memory

bank of the past, then we begin to ssee how a process of

correcting or setting aright can change our lives, our families and

our society.


The above is from Momah Nalamaku Simeona that founded the

Foundation of I, Inc.








