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This blog about YOUR Spirit we will be talking about one of most

enlighten spiritual books in the last 50 years and how it may

affect your life and your journey and empower YOU.




By Paulo Coelho


It is about a shepherd and moving in a simple way while he was

places it in the following his dreams he had about treasures in

Egyptian pyramids.


The shepherd meets many spiritual messengers along his



The one encounter was meeting was the alchemist and about

Metals being heated for many years would be eventually freed of

all individual properties, and what would be left “Soul of the



His heart is afraid that it will have to suffer.  The alchemist

reassures the shepherd that the fear of suffering is worse than the

suffering itself.


If we are living in fear, we cannot move forward with our dreams

and opportunities.


There are only 2 emotions – LOVE and FEAR.

It is always better to live in Love and move forward through the



There are a lot of lessons in this book – this little book about a


Listening to our hearts and following YOUR dreams.

Living in the moment

Freeing YOUR self from fear

Understanding YOU are part of the energy of the Universe

Understanding everything will work out the way it was intended.

The universe will conspire to help YOU fulfill YOUR purpose –

Use YOUR sub-consciousness every day.


I always have enjoyed stories that




Each of us in our own way.  ‘

We all know a lot if we have gotten out of high school but we all

Need encouragement and empowerment at different times in our

lives.  Especially, when we have all been touched by tragic and

trauma – which includes anything like; death, divorce, anything

that can affect a person


This one little book are a simple tale about trying to keep us,

YOU, to keep diving into the strong current and to see where it

takes us.  But be inspired by the words that the shepherd kept

having in his mind and thoughts that kept leading him towards his

the goal of seeing his mission to get to Egypt and his goals.


This book will help you remain in YOUR center and is an exquisite


The book emphasizes the reason for each living in the now as

opposed to one’s past  and future.  You will remember this book

And the shepherd’s journey and go back to read it over the years.

All the yesterday’s make up our history and YOUR life.

But this little book and all the blogs will help YOU


What Does Life Expect from YOU?


It is everyday journey and because you have to keep all your

Mind, body and spirit in mind with every step of every day







YOU and Prevention


Do Prevention for your health, body, and peace of mind.

It is harder to cure a disease than it is to prevent one.

Let me give you a list of disease you can prevent because I


Have been doing prevention for close to 30 years so that I do

Not get cancer, diabetes, arthritis and a mired of many others


Diseases that can be caused by inflammation and/or autoimmune




Listed below is a list of things that may cause disease:


Blood type








Processed foods










Many other items


Feed your cells well, feed your organs well, do your exercises,

think positive, be happy, love, forgive and do what YOUR body

requires to live healthy while YOU age and do not forget to be

thankful, meditate, and prayer.


I highly suggest that knowing YOUR characteristics that helps

Know what YOUR body needs to be and stay healthy.

Blood type

Birth Date


Personality type

Family relations

Pecking order


Since a lot of diseases starts in the gut – always good to start with

A good probiotic – I use one that was created by a Japanese

Doctor – Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics – Pharmacist Ross Pelton sells it

And I buy it at my local pharmacy but you can order.

Pharmacist Pelton has a wonderful website


He was doing cancer researcher almost 30 years ago and is

so Informative on all issues of the body and health.


It does take time and effort – courage to know that you want to

age healthy,

I had both my hips replace years ago – from body being out of

Alignment and not arthritis.  So I work on my upper leg muscles –

And I now I can walk up and down stairs without holding on to

railings but I continue to work on my upper leg muscles to build

them up for aging as I go along here.


Prevention should become a lifelong journey, as it has for me.


I work daily on prevention of any disease.  My childhood family

Had all passed over the bridge by the time I was 63.

Brother dies of colon cancer and diabetes

Sister dies of leukemia

Mother dies of lung cancer

All within 2 ½ years.


My goal and daily mission are not to have those diseases


Since they have passed I went into depression so I am now

Taking Lithium Orates – I do get mine from:

The Power Hour – I also buy supplements from quality people,

places and websites that I know have quality, pharmacist quality



I do treat my body like a temple because it is taking me the end

of my life and I want it in the best shape I can keep it.

YOUR body is a temple and should be treated as such so

that family and friends can see how well you are doing.


Life and time do not give an inch because YOU need to

start today – not tomorrow-tomorrow will – always start today.


Take small steps if you must – but take one step.







YOU and YOUR infinite Spirit

Your spirit like mind and body is infinite – because it is ALL YOU

And that which is YOU is all infinite – YOUR physical body will die

But there is consciousness and soul and energy which is ALL,

EVERYTHING and FOR ALWAYS out there in the ether.

Dr. Pattakos book with Dr. Covey and Viktor Frankl’s life story

Is about how YOU have wonderful meaning in life – but the

Journey sometimes has bumps and mountains and YOU much

Learn to navigate over and around those bumps and mountains

In YOUR own unique way.

Some of the ways:

Exercise the personal freedom to choose our attitude and outlook

Realize our will to meaning or significance

Detect the meaning of life’s moments and questions

Do not work against our self

Look at our self from a distance

Shift our focus of attention or maintain fluidity or perception

Extend beyond yourself

YOUR life is what YOU make IT –

MAKE it great

MAKE it meaningful

MAKE it with love and forgiveness so you have JOY

So you have peace, harmony, and contentment at the end.


Viktor Frankl was a professor of neurology and psychiatry at University of Vienna Medical School and was the founder of what was call school of logotherapy.  Frankl’s theory is that man’s search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life.  The strength of a person’s sense of meaning, responsibility, and purpose is the greatest determine factor in how that question will be answered.


How do I go about making my life meaningful?

How do I go about making my life have a purpose?

We have great power to shape our attitudes and responses to the challenges that life presents to each of us, and that we grow thanks to these challenges.

Our spirit grows as our mind grows as our body ages.

Leave this plane knowing that you have left it with meaning, purpose and left your mark on family, friends and the many that have passed in the night.


Like someone said:

Frankl’s book will not show YOU the meaning of life but he will help you develop the tools, because you are unique, to develop the tools to find your own meaning.


Ralph Waldo Emerson was the person below,

“He did not try to lead others to himself, but to themselves”.


There it is again:

“What Does Life Expect From YOU?”


Tools to help YOU find that out is here at this website and that is my goal.

Nietzsche’s dictum is “He who has a WHY to live and bear with almost any HOW,’


Start today and continue on for the rest of your life here on this plane – learning, growing, developing, being a part of, sharing, loving, forgiving, having JOY


In all his tragic trauma Dr. Frankl found that meaning in his life and that is what he wanted, in all his writings, for you to have found YOUR meaning – in all your uniqueness, in all your tragic and trauma from living.  Find it for SELF, for peace, for quiet, for forgiveness, for love, for the JOY





YOU are YOUR childhood – mind, body, and spirit.  YOU have

gone through the development stages of maturing into who you

are today – going from dependent upon your childhood

parents/mentor/guardians that make decisions for YOU to being

independent and making your own decisions about YOUR


Body, Mind, and Spirit


Most likely what you did in your childhood is what you usually do

in adulthood or you search for your own spirituality in your own

time and look for your spirituality outside what you had in your



You and I, as young children learned through their direct

experience and through observation of other’s behavior, and not

by way of abstract discussion.   Children learn particular practices

by participating in them.


Besides immersing children in the ongoing practice of cultural and

religious traditions, parents can also foster children’s appreciation

of their heritage through games and crafts on their family and

cultural history, these are important for spiritual growth as we

develop and mature and age.


Cultural practices including music, language, food and dress are

important to each of us for all the time we are here.  But, exposing

children to other cultures at an early age help develop them

tolerance and appreciation of cultural differences and diversity;

skills they will need to navigate the complex and culturally

interdependent modern world – our next door neighbor and



A child’s spiritual life should be age appropriate.  Overall

development of every child is unique.  Before age 10 or so, the

spiritual parenting will have the most lasting effect if it builds a

foundation in the SELF rather than focusing on principles.


Every young child should feel that:


They are loved and lovable


Meditation can add to a sense of a child’s self-worth and even

power because it is an activity that belongs just to them.


The childhood brain is a factor here.   It has been shown that

introducing mediation leads to behavioral improvements in older

ages – middle school and later.


Meditating is a wonderful thing for us adults but also with a child

it gives them a feeling of control and power.


Given the opportunity foo meditate a child or adult is able to

notice actual changes in themselves.  They are calmer, more

centered, less troubled, less tempted to act out.


They are worthwhile in their parents; eyes

Being a good person comes from within

Happiness and fulfillment are natural


The child/adult learns how to be fulfilled and successful life, the

best route is through the spiritual life.  We learn the value of our inner

The world, and as the years pass this value increases until the

realization dawns that all of the existence originates “in here” at the

level of the soul.


What a wonderful outcome you and I are – to find “in here” at the

level of our soul.


We are our childhood – hoping to reach the level we aspire to and


Find out:

What Does Life Expect from Us?





YOUR lymphatic system touches almost every part of the body.  It

is a network of fluid-filled nodes, vessels, gland, and organs.

Although e do not feel or see it, it is one of the most important

systems of the human body.  It is important to give the lymph

system attention over the years and as YOU age.


The lymphatic system’s main function is to cleanse toxins and

protect against harmful invaders.  It works by carrying waste away

from the tissues and into the bloodstream.  It tackles toxins that

are introduced to the body from both external meas0food, air,

personal care products, water as well as internal ones-damaged

proteins and cellular/metabolic waste.  It is a key detoxification



Through lymph nodes and the lymphatic network, your immune

cells can travel around fighting pathogens, such as bacteria and

mold, and prevent disease and infection.


You have to keep your lymphatic system functioning properly for

your overall health of YOUR body.


The stronger the lymphatic systems mean a more resilient and

reactive immune response and defense


YOUR lymphatic system can become stagnant and especially

with toxic debris.


I have used a REBOUNDER for about 15 years now – and it is


Rated as not only the number 1 piece of exercise equipment but

It keeps your lymphatic network clean – if done regularly

Rebounding and keeping your lymphatic network clean helps

keep your youthful skin and body cellulite-free


So listed below are 10 natural ways to keep your lymphatic

network clean and clear so it can flow and do its work.



One of the easiest ways to pump the lymph network.  And it also improves muscle tone and just over-all body good




Pad table that allows one to invert upside down while strapped in by the feet.  Decompresses the joints of the body and stimulates the lymphatic and circulatory system.



How easy is that just plain lemon water?  Use distilled or filtered water.  Every day drink half your weight in water – add the lemon so your will be alkalizing your body and getting the water at the same time.



Enzymes are also used utilize by the body to clear toxic waste buildup in the lymph and blood, making their supplementation a key way to improve lymphatic health.



How wonderful does a good massage feel?  I have had lymphatic massage over the years and is a special form of massage that specifically targets the flow of lymph network.



Red clover is a good herb for lymph, increasing flow, which helps to detoxify the body and reduce inflammation.  I make tea from red clover that I buy at a good grocery store.



Take a dry brush with coarse bristle and brush the skin towards the heart.  This stimulates the sweat glands, opens pores, and gets rid of dead skin cells.  Encourages movement of lymph and blood in underlying organs and tissues of the body.



I always eat raw vegetables.  And I juice a lot-chard and turmeric work well for my body.  Put as many fresh vegetables into your body as possible.



Get rid of the bras with wires – clogs up the lymphatic systems under arms.



Yoga works in multiples way for the body.  There are various forms of Yoga – try the one that fits YOU best but does Yoga for all of it’s benefits


Your characteristics are yours alone in the “universe” because you are a unique individual because there is no one else in the “universe” like you

They do not come from your Parents and Family






So you have all these unique qualities and in the years that you are given on



EMFs are all around you and I – with all the technology we have available to us today – we have to counter how these affect our bodies and especially our Pineal Gland.

If one is sensitive to EMFs they may cause:

Nervous systems symptoms

Body and skin sensitivity

Foggy brain and depression


There are a mired of symptoms coming from EMFs.

By keeping one’s body at as high PH level as possible it will help counter all these EMFs


Inflammation can happen anywhere in the body.  It is your job to keep inflammation in control so that it does not create health problems later on down the years for you.

This year I am getting a long list of blood test for part of my annual checkup with my doctor.  One, of the test I will get is C-reactive protein test that will measure any hidden inflammation in my body.  I have had both hips replaced and several broken arms when I was a child so there may be inflammation that I do not know about.

Here is a list that Dr. Mark Hyman say may cause inflammation or hidden inflammation:

Poor Diet – mostly sugar, refined flours, processed foods, and bad fats

Lack of exercise


Hidden or chronic infections with viruses, bacteria, yeasts, or parasites

Allergens from food or environment

Toxins = mercury and pesticides

Mold toxins and allergens

When I get my blood test results back = then I will decide what action I need to take for relieving this hidden inflammation












Cognitive FunctionsI first read the Myers and Briggs book about personality types in the 1980s when I was trying to figure out who I was.
Go to the  site and look through their basic information. It is an interactive experience and you will enjoy and learn about SELF from another angle.
The Myers-Briggs process identifies 16 different types – I appreciate their theory and it makes sense to me.
Everything YOU learn has to make sense to YOU – not to me, or your family and friends, but to YOU.
YOU may come across another theory – in your life never settle for one theory – do research so you can become “happy, free, and at peace” with SELF

by Lizzie Clark Hardy


Sometime at eve when the tide is low,

    I shall slip my mooring and sail away,

With no response to the friendly hail

    Of kindred craft in the busy bay

In the silent hush of the twilight pale

    When the night stoops down to embrace the day

And the voices call o’er the waters flow….

    Sometime at evening when the tide is low

I shall slip moorings and sail away

Through the purple shadows that darkly trail 

    O’er the ebbing tide of the unknown sea

I shall fade me away, with a dip of a sail

    And ripple of waters to tell the tale

Of a lonely voyager sailing away

    To Mystic Isles where at anchor lay

The crafts of those who have sailed before

    O’er the Unknown Sea to the Unknown Shore

A few who have watched me sail away

    Will miss my craft from the busy bay,

Some friendly barks that were anchored near

    Some loving hearts that my soul held dear

In the silent sorrow shall drop a tear

    But I shall have peacefully furled my sail

In moorings sheltered from storm or gale

    And greeted friends who have sailed before

O’er the Unknown Sea to the Well Known Shore
