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YOU and YOUR infinite Spirit

Your spirit like mind and body is infinite – because it is ALL YOU

And that which is YOU is all infinite – YOUR physical body will die

But there is consciousness and soul and energy which is ALL,

EVERYTHING and FOR ALWAYS out there in the ether.

Dr. Pattakos book with Dr. Covey and Viktor Frankl’s life story

Is about how YOU have wonderful meaning in life – but the

Journey sometimes has bumps and mountains and YOU much

Learn to navigate over and around those bumps and mountains

In YOUR own unique way.

Some of the ways:

Exercise the personal freedom to choose our attitude and outlook

Realize our will to meaning or significance

Detect the meaning of life’s moments and questions

Do not work against our self

Look at our self from a distance

Shift our focus of attention or maintain fluidity or perception

Extend beyond yourself

YOUR life is what YOU make IT –

MAKE it great

MAKE it meaningful

MAKE it with love and forgiveness so you have JOY

So you have peace, harmony, and contentment at the end.


Viktor Frankl was a professor of neurology and psychiatry at University of Vienna Medical School and was the founder of what was call school of logotherapy.  Frankl’s theory is that man’s search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life.  The strength of a person’s sense of meaning, responsibility, and purpose is the greatest determine factor in how that question will be answered.


How do I go about making my life meaningful?

How do I go about making my life have a purpose?

We have great power to shape our attitudes and responses to the challenges that life presents to each of us, and that we grow thanks to these challenges.

Our spirit grows as our mind grows as our body ages.

Leave this plane knowing that you have left it with meaning, purpose and left your mark on family, friends and the many that have passed in the night.


Like someone said:

Frankl’s book will not show YOU the meaning of life but he will help you develop the tools, because you are unique, to develop the tools to find your own meaning.


Ralph Waldo Emerson was the person below,

“He did not try to lead others to himself, but to themselves”.


There it is again:

“What Does Life Expect From YOU?”


Tools to help YOU find that out is here at this website and that is my goal.

Nietzsche’s dictum is “He who has a WHY to live and bear with almost any HOW,’


Start today and continue on for the rest of your life here on this plane – learning, growing, developing, being a part of, sharing, loving, forgiving, having JOY


In all his tragic trauma Dr. Frankl found that meaning in his life and that is what he wanted, in all his writings, for you to have found YOUR meaning – in all your uniqueness, in all your tragic and trauma from living.  Find it for SELF, for peace, for quiet, for forgiveness, for love, for the JOY


Dring Water




Dr. Masaru Emoto devoted his life helping other learn to use

prayer and blessing to improve their lives.


Dr. Emoto was fascinated with water and wondered if there were

methods of expressing difference in the nature of water.


He knew that water from a natural spring was better for you than

tap water or stagnant water.


And does water have messages for us.  Could we develop ways

to receive those messages from water.


Dr. Emoto developed a process in which he would freeze drops of

water and take photographs of individual water crystals that

formed.  He found that his theory was correct; like snowflakes,

very water crystal is unique.  But he learned much more than that.


Dr. Emoto found that you could tell much about the nature of the

water by photographing it in this way, and more importantly, that,

as human beings, we ca change the nature of water in many

ways.  Water truly does have powerful messages for us.


One of the first things that Dr. Emoto learned was that all water

does not form beautiful crystals.  He tested top water from around

the world and found that tap water does not form water crystals.

Stagnant or polluted water does not form water crystals either, but

forms unpleasant, deformed frozen structures.  Rainwater, water

from clean streams and rivers, water from glaciers, and water

from holy places around the world form beautiful crystals when



Then he wondered if we, as human beings, can change the

nature of water, so he tried many techniques to test this.  Dr.

Emoto found that if he played beautiful music in the presence of

tap water, it would then make beautiful frozen crystal formations.

He also leaned that the written word changed the water.  Dr.

Emoto taped paper strips on bottles of tap water and then

photographed the frozen water.  He found that words such as

“Thank you” and “I love you”, cause the tap water to form beautiful

crystals.  Words such as “You make me sick,” or You are a fool,”

caused ugly, distorted crystals or no crystals at all.  Dr. Emoto

then found that we cause tap water to form beautiful frozen water

crystals simply by praying for the water, by sending it loving

thoughts, and by blessing it, like YOU should be blessing your

food before you eat.


YOU can learn to use prayerful intent to put beneficial energies

into your body, into substances, such as food and water, into

objects, such as jewelry, and into your living environment.  You

can bless things with unique energy vibrations as defined by



YOU can also change detrimental energies into beneficial

energies, all with the power of prayer and blessing.


Start YOUR blessings with water, food, and even your car with

The powerful INTENT.

How powerful is water in YOUR life?



Distilled water

Filtered water

Bless YOUR water

Bless YOUR food

Put a little Red Baron soda into to help alkaline-a pinch will do.






Are YOU keeping track of your Alkaline levels –Ph.


Use the little yellow stripes to check your alkaline levels.  Give

them out to friends who have no idea what alkaline level is.

Spread the knowledge you are learning from this website.


I first became aware of Dr. Theodore A. Baroody’s book, “Alkalize

or Die” probably about 16 years ago.  One of my favorite radio

people, Patrick Timpone, talked about health issues and I paid

attention to his research and what he had to say about everything.


Dr. Baroody shows how excess acids in the small intestines can

negatively affect that vital organ.  You need a clear understanding

of how alkalizing our body tissues can boost overall health and

the health of specific areas of your body.  Eating alkaline forming

foods are a solution to the problem of excess tissue acids, but

drinking alkaline water produced by any of the quality alkaline

water filters are a simpler and effective way to alkalize your



I have 2 different water items in my home:

  1. Megahome water distiller

Love it.  Have to clean it with vinegar once a month or so.

Have to take Dr. Marshall’s pink salt for minerals or can take

Other minerals but have to add minerals of some kind when

you have a water distiller.  But it is so clean and wonderful to

know I am drinking what I feel like to “CLEAN” water.


  1. PH-CT-500

Love it also.  Lasts 3,000 gallons of anti-oxidation and

alkalization to your body.  Just check it with the little yellow

strips to make sure you do not need new filter and that is still

alkalized water.  Everyone is different on usage.

Too much acid waste production from acid-forming foods is

a great burden on your body.


Have you heard of “Peyer’s Patches in the upper portion of?

the small intestines which is crucial to life.  The patches are

essential for proper assimilation of food throughout the

system and supply an important link between the autonomic

and cerebrospinal nervous system by producing lymphatic

system’s wide ranging nodal network.  And they produce

large amounts of enzyme chyle, a major alkalizing substance

created in the physical body.


Acid waste attacks the following body parts:




From colon into liver and back into general circulation.

Then into tissues

Tissues determine sickness or health

Acid wastes attacks the joints, tissues, muscles, organs and

glands causing minor to major dysfunction.


Be watchful of your bodies alkalization – use the yellow

strips always.  Know that your blood work tested by your

Annual medical test is good.

It is a daily watch for your alkaline = that is why I like juicing

Chard and put turmeric with alittle olive oil and grind black

pepper into it.  Makes for an easy way to keep up my

alkaline plus the other things that I do to help keep my body

on the journey.


This is an easy read book, lots of information, lots of good

recipes and list of foods with their acid/alkalizing numbers.






YOUR immune system functions optimally when your body has

an adequate supply of electrons, which are easily and naturally

obtained by barefoot contact with the earth.


Research indicates that electrons from the earth have


effects that can protect your body from inflammation and its


well-documented health consequences.  For most of our

evolutionary history humans have had continuous contact with

the earth.


It is only recently that substances such as asphalt, wood, rugs,

and plastics have separated us from this contact.


The earth maintains a negative electrical potential on its


When you are in direct contact with the ground-walking,

sitting, or

laying down on the earth’s surface that the earth’s electrons are

conducted to our body bringing it to the same electrical


as the earth.  Living in direct contact with the earth grounds


body, inducing favorable physiological and electrophysiological

changes that promote optimum health.


Earthing is highly beneficial to our health and minimizes the

consequences of exposure to potentially disruptive fields like

“electromagnetic pollution or dirty electricity.


I have done earthing over the years – and not as consistently as


would have like to or should have.  But I have known it has


beneficial to us for years.  When I go and sit in the grass or just

stand in the grass or ground I can feel the energy flowing up


through my body.


Some of the research has been finding that some of the benefits


Decreasing inflammation and chronic pain by defusing excess

positive electrons


Improving sleep by normalizing biological rhythms, including

circadian rhythm


Increasing energy through improved blood flow and blood



Lowering stress and increasing a sense of calm by reducing

stress hormones


Improving menstrual and female hormone systems


Accelerates the healing or wounds and shortens recovery time

from injury or athletic activity


Relieving muscle tension and headache


Protecting the body from EMF’s and re-directing damaging

electromagnetic energy


Support adrenal health


At the time there are a dozen or so completed studies on

grounding that has proven beyond any doubt that becoming

grounded has significant positive effects on our physiology and

heart health.

Really has lots of information on lowering stress and creates

calmness so take heed and go out and stand/or sit in the grass.


is okay – you will be able to, like me, feel the energy moving

within your body.


YOU should go barefoot and try for 40 minutes a day.  They say

concrete is conducive but I like grass, dirt or sand.   They say

concrete floor ==like basement floor is ok.  Barefoot for sure.


Grounding also positively affects your nervous system and has

been researched that may lead to a reduction in some of your



My goal since the 1980s has been not to take any medication –


to do that I have had to learn about SELF and what SELF

requires to stay healthy.











I have been using bentonite clay for probably the last ten years

And I keep a mason jar of it in my cabinet to take 2 ounces at a

time just to wash the impurities out of my body – especially the

metals.  Heavy metal toxins usually refer to substances like

mercury, cadmium, lead and benzene, fluoride in the water.


Bentonite clay is composed of ash made from volcanos.  The

largest known source of bentonite clay is found in Fort Benton,

Wyoming where numerous volcanos are present.


Bentonite clay goes back in history as a traditional healing

a method for protecting the body from the disease a detoxing the



There are a lot of toxins in our daily lives, the air, the water. The

processed food, the plastics, the spraying, and we could go on

and I am even picky about where I buy my supplements and so

should you be because not all supplements are the same?




Bentonite clay has minerals in it, including calcium, magnesium,

silica, sodium, copper, iron, and potassium


Also, it benefits the body because it has the ability to produce a

the charge that is electrical in nature when it comes in contact with

liquid – similar to how EARTHING (we will talk about this later).

When the clay touches any type of fluid (normally water), it takes

on a different charge and is thought to bind to any present toxins

within the fluid.


The following are ways that Bentonite clay benefits and uses:


Used on skin to heal eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis


In bath as a soaking liquid to remove toxins-have done this over

the years and it is so good


Allows cells to receive more oxygen and we all know how important

good oxygenation of cells is for preventing disease


Alkalizes the body – and we have to keep that up for sure


Boosts probiotics – and that is just another important item for

prevention of disease


Relieves digestive problems such as constipation, IBS, nausea

and more


Boosts immunity by killing harmful bacteria and viruses


Improves the health of teeth and gums


Purifies waters from that terrible fluoride (the bad kind in drinking water)


Useful as baby powder alternative


I have learned over the years that some of the Bentonite clay is

packaged in plastic containers.  I have found a company here in

Austin that packages his in glass and that is what I buy.  I buy a 5

pound product – so I have it on hand and it never gets old and I

try to always buy products in glass because the plastics leach into

the products otherwise.


I highly recommend that if you know of anyone with autism, please

order a gift of Calcium Bentonite Clay – in glass bottle – for those

people and tell them to give a clay bath – instructions can be

found on the web” – there is help out there

for you all – just need to plug into the right place.  Go check it out

for yourself.


It can help with bee stings, insect bites, cat bites, jellyfish, spider






YOUR lymphatic system touches almost every part of the body.  It

is a network of fluid-filled nodes, vessels, gland, and organs.

Although e do not feel or see it, it is one of the most important

systems of the human body.  It is important to give the lymph

system attention over the years and as YOU age.


The lymphatic system’s main function is to cleanse toxins and

protect against harmful invaders.  It works by carrying waste away

from the tissues and into the bloodstream.  It tackles toxins that

are introduced to the body from both external meas0food, air,

personal care products, water as well as internal ones-damaged

proteins and cellular/metabolic waste.  It is a key detoxification



Through lymph nodes and the lymphatic network, your immune

cells can travel around fighting pathogens, such as bacteria and

mold, and prevent disease and infection.


You have to keep your lymphatic system functioning properly for

your overall health of YOUR body.


The stronger the lymphatic systems mean a more resilient and

reactive immune response and defense


YOUR lymphatic system can become stagnant and especially

with toxic debris.


I have used a REBOUNDER for about 15 years now – and it is


Rated as not only the number 1 piece of exercise equipment but

It keeps your lymphatic network clean – if done regularly

Rebounding and keeping your lymphatic network clean helps

keep your youthful skin and body cellulite-free


So listed below are 10 natural ways to keep your lymphatic

network clean and clear so it can flow and do its work.



One of the easiest ways to pump the lymph network.  And it also improves muscle tone and just over-all body good




Pad table that allows one to invert upside down while strapped in by the feet.  Decompresses the joints of the body and stimulates the lymphatic and circulatory system.



How easy is that just plain lemon water?  Use distilled or filtered water.  Every day drink half your weight in water – add the lemon so your will be alkalizing your body and getting the water at the same time.



Enzymes are also used utilize by the body to clear toxic waste buildup in the lymph and blood, making their supplementation a key way to improve lymphatic health.



How wonderful does a good massage feel?  I have had lymphatic massage over the years and is a special form of massage that specifically targets the flow of lymph network.



Red clover is a good herb for lymph, increasing flow, which helps to detoxify the body and reduce inflammation.  I make tea from red clover that I buy at a good grocery store.



Take a dry brush with coarse bristle and brush the skin towards the heart.  This stimulates the sweat glands, opens pores, and gets rid of dead skin cells.  Encourages movement of lymph and blood in underlying organs and tissues of the body.



I always eat raw vegetables.  And I juice a lot-chard and turmeric work well for my body.  Put as many fresh vegetables into your body as possible.



Get rid of the bras with wires – clogs up the lymphatic systems under arms.



Yoga works in multiples way for the body.  There are various forms of Yoga – try the one that fits YOU best but does Yoga for all of it’s benefits






Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC talks about in order to maximize

your health and reduce your changes of developing autoimmune

diseases such as Hashimotos, celiac disease, rheumatoid

arthritis, diabetes and other illnesses, it pays to know your blood



Most people pay little attention to their blood type as it seems it is

only important when you are going to have an operation or other

procedures when you might need blood transfusions or when you

are having a baby.


There are 4 blood types, which make up the worlds




O – 45% worlds population

A – 40% world population

B – 11% global population

AB – 4% worlds population


Foods also have substances known as lectins which act upon our

specific blood type to cause various alterations in our body

function such as:


Causing our blood cells to stick together

Trigger body-wide inflammation

Act as insulin by attaching to insulin receptor on cells which leads

to weight gain.

Trigger autoimmune attack

Trigger digestive system malfunction and pain

Creative intestinal damage leading to leaky gut syndrome and as

a result brain inflammation

Interrupt nerve signals in the body and alter levels of

neurotransmitters and thus cause nerve and brain malfunction

leading to ADD and even Alzheimer’s disease.

And many more things
Due to the many health damaging effects various lectins can have

on the health of people with different blood types.


I have used Dr. D’Adamo’s book:

“The Blood Type Diet” for years.

Apparently there are doctor’s that still do not seem to believe

Blood type makes a different in anything concerning our health

I cannot believe that because I believe it makes a huge

difference knowing what our

blood type is and how it affects our blood and particularly

our over-

all health for our life.


Knowing your blood type is an important tool for understanding

how your body reacts to food, your susceptibility to disease, your

natural reaction to stress, and so much more.    A single drop of

blood contains a biochemical makeup as unique to you as your



Let us just look at STRESS and how blood type works:


Type A people naturally have higher levels of the stress hormone

cortisol in their bodies and produce more in response to stressful

situations.  On the other hand, people with type O blood, have a

fight or flight reaction to stress which results in the overproduction

of adrenaline.  It takes type O’s longer to recover from stress

because it is more difficult for them to clear the adrenaline from

their bodies.


See how that works.


Dr. Lam is another Doctor that I have read his website and his

blood type food chart is wonderful and have used that over the

years.  Print it out and tape to your refrigerator.


On Dr. D’Amato’s website is his interview about blood type with

Dr. Oz.

It does all help YOU to build your own TOOLBOX for aging


Happy and Healthy.




MSM is Methyl-sulfonyl-methane powerful for YOUR body

Is an organolsulfur compound that features the sulfonyl functional

group and is considered relatively inert chemically.  It occurs

naturally in some primitive plants and is present in small amounts

in many foods and beverages.


I have powdered MBM that I bought 5 pounds at once and try to

use it daily.


I use it to detox individual cells and that the uptake of nutrients will

be more beneficial in my body. I like the benefits of MSM that

makes cells more permeable, releasing certain built-up minerals

that can cause problems, heavy metals, waste and toxins, while

also helping usher in nutrients and water.  These are the reason I

take MSM.   Listed below are some other

issues that can be helped by MSM:


Osteoarthritis and joint pain.

Improves digestive problems like leaky gut syndrome by

rebuilding the lining of the digestive tract and lower

inflammation/allergic reactions to certain feeds.


Repairs skin and treats skin problems

including rosacea, allergies.  I use to have rosacea but because I

have been making sure my body receives enough nutrition on a

daily basis I have not had rosacea in approximately 20 years.


Lowers muscle pain and muscle spasms.

Helps repair the rigid fibrous tissue cells in our muscles that

become broken down during exercise, therefore helping to

prevent them from swelling for prolong periods of time.


Restores hair growth

it helps boost collagen and keratin levels that are needed for

forming new hair strands.


Helps the body

adapt to stress, heal and bounce back from exercise, stressful

events, injuries and even surgeries.

There are 3 other uses that have gain notoriety:

Preventing the hardening/thickening of arteries; helps the body’s

natural free radical scavenging abilities by lowering oxidative

stress.  Effective anti-inflammatory because it blocks the release

of pro-inflammatory mediators and down regulates certain harmful



MSM supplies the body with extra sulfur for creating methionine,

which helps in important bodily processes like making other

chemicals, forming connective tissue, synthesizing/metabolizing

foods and absorbing nutrients to be used for energy.


Using MSM helps my body in better immune function, accelerated

healing and reduced pain and recovery time from exercises like



MBM’s sulfur plays an important role in the production of

glutathione, considered to be a ‘master antioxidant” and an

important agent for detoxification.  This is why I have used MSM

for years.


I use powdered MSM and puts it in water and drinking throughout

the day.  But you can also use cream form, capsule/tablet forms.


Take 500 milligrams 3 times a day-it may disrupte your bowel

movements so take it slowly until you reach the amount that

works best for YOU.  Increasing your intake as your body gets

used to it and you do not experience any digestive side effects.


Because YOUR environment, job, family water, among a dozen

other items YOUR body needs MSM


REMEMBER:  MSM is called one of the miracle supplement  that

can do so many things that are good for YOUR body.


Organic Foods


Do you know that  the involvement of estrogen and its receptors in the development of cancer has been known for years?

However, the exact mechanism responsible is far from clear. The estrogen- mediated carcinogenic process is complicated but YOU need to know as much as possible and we will do that together here on the only website that will help you know about YOU.

Estrogens have multiple functions in cells and the effect of estrogen may be cell-type or organ dependent.

The estrogenic effect may be also greatly influenced by the state of two estrogen receptors, ERalpha and ERbeta.

There are endocrine-disruptors compounds that mimic the effects of estrogen in the body and throw off hormonal balances. These disruptors are everywhere today, in our food, our water, and the household products we use every day.

Children are reaching puberty younger than ever, hormonal imbalances are linked to a variety of cancers, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and depression.

The disruptors mimic the effects of true estrogen and lodge in fatcells and are resistant to breakdown. They affect sleep, stress, metabolism and mood.

The biggest source of disruptors is chemicals.

The following is a list of how to avoid disruptors as much as possible in YOUR life:

  • Avoid plastics
  • Use safe household cleaning products
  • Reduce antibiotics
  • Change your diet
  • Avoid pesticides and herbicides
  • Buy American grass-fed animal products
  • Go raw
  • Buy local
  • Avoid SOY

There are two previous unrecognized xenoestrogens:

  1. propyl gallate — a preservative used to prevent fats and oils from spoiling
  2. 4-hexylresorcinol —used to prevent discoloration in shrimp and other shellfish these are used in many consumer products and trying to avoid them is a struggle.

They are in:

  • Pasteurized dairy
  • Soy products
  • Plastics
  • Personal care products
  • Teflon Cookware

My solutions are that I do not buy any bagged, canned, boxed foods for my home. Now, am I every going to be free of these man-made products – no, and when I go out to eat – I try to eat in locally owned restaurants that serve more locally grown food.

Protect your family:

  • Store your food in glass containers as much as possible.
  • Use natural cleaning products
  • Buy and eat organic food
  • Avoid processed foods
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners and MSG
  • Use natural brands of toiletries’

12 Food additives to avoid and READ LABELS from now on

  1. Solium Nitrate — I love bacon – I buy my bacon at Whole Foods who have their own bacon without nitrates that are linked to various types of cancer. Ham, hot dogs, luncheon meats, corned beef, etc.
  2. BHA & BHT — a preserve common household foods and cereals, gum, potato chips and vegetable oils.
  3. Propyl gallate — another preservative, meat products, chicken sop base, gun and could be linked to cancer
  4. MSG – monosodium glutamate —a flavor enhancer in soups, salad dressings, chips, frozen entrees, restaurant food. Can cause headaches and nausea, damaged nerve cells in brains of infant mice.
  5. Trans fats — proven to cause heart disease-especially fast food
  6. Aspartame — may cause cancer or neurological problems
  7. Acesulfame-K — artificial sweetener found in baked goods, fun, gelatin desserts.
  8. Food coloring— Blue 1 & 2, Red 3,  Green 3 Yellow 6
  9. Olestra — synthetic fat found in many processed chip brands
  10. Potassium bromate — additive to increase volume in some white flours, breads and rolls.
  11. White sugar — unsafe for your health and promotes bad nutrition
  12. Sodium chloride — bad salt and good salt – learn the difference

I have used Dr. Marshall’s pink salt for years. Thera are other good salts available. Do not use off -the-shelf grocery store salt.





Your characteristics are yours alone in the “universe” because you are a unique individual because there is no one else in the “universe” like you

They do not come from your Parents and Family






So you have all these unique qualities and in the years that you are given on

